February 3, 2011

Week 23: Library Nerds

The boy and I were rebels this week and went to the library for our shoot. I couldn't stop laughing and thought we might get kicked out. He was making the funniest faces and picking the most ridiculous books the entire time (not all shown). It was so much fun!

Though Papa doesn't read much, other than magazines, I find sanctuary in any space filled with books. I seek out the magic within the walls of a bookstore any time I need a pick-me-up. In fact I went today for just that reason. I love to sit on the floor for hours and look through photography, art and graphic design books. I save the fiction novels for home and my comfy bed.

Reading was exciting for my brothers and I when we were little. We would go to the flea market or bookstore and get to pick out books all of the time. We all really looked forward to embarking on our next adventure through the words on a page. I hope that this little nugget loves reading too. Imagination is a very precious thing to me and I think that reading really helps it flourish. 

Yes that is a Dr. Phil book in Spanish as well as Charlie St. Cloud in Spanish. The Zefron is a very serious topic in our house. =)

I wish I could dive into the wonderland of another novel. Unfortunately, it has been all "What to expect" and various pregnancy reads for the last four months. I'm looking forward to having a little time off before the baby comes and getting to read for pleasure.

What are some of your current favorite reads? I love suggestions!




Camilla said...

dear john, harry potter, The Secret Life of Bees etc. Love your pictures!

Tenley Clark said...

Dear John was pretty good. I love Nicholas Sparks and own most of his novels. I haven't read the Secret Life of Bees though. I will have to look for that! Thanks for sharing =)

Kristin said...

Too cute! Little baby bear is going to love seeing these someday!

Lady said...

I have Secret Life of Bees, so you are welcome to take it anytime.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, History of Love, Time Traveler's Wife, Housekeeping...any of my favorite YA books make a good reread.
p.s.(I think for your baby shower "we" should ask everyone to bring a copy of their favorite children's book and write something in it to baby bear.)

Sparky said...

Adorable pics! And I have to say I agree with "Lady's" comment about the books at the baby shower. What better way to start the baby bear off than with a full library

Unknown said...

SO super cute! Great pics this week - and the lighting in there is amazing!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool that you're hubby is ok with taking selfies at the library! Mine will do selfies with me pretty much everywhere at this point, but I doubt i can make him go to SUCH a public and quite place :)

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