January 21, 2013

New Blog!

I am super excited to share my NEW BLOG!! I am too embarrassed to admit how long I have had it without sharing or being able to fully finish it so we will just ignore that part. Please excuse the few links, etc that might not work. I promise I'm working on the few loose ends.

Head on over and check it out (and update your readers). There are a few new posts already waiting for you! I've been sharing my favorite sessions from 2012, including posts of these cute faces:

I won't be updating this blog any longer so please make sure to update your readers, bookmarks, etc. I will be sharing more favorite sessions from 2012 as well as some personal photos I haven't been able to share and new sessions from 2013.

Also, I have finally created a Facebook business page for Tenley Clark Photography. Please head over and like us! It would really make my day =)

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