December 22, 2010

Week 17: Pregnant Paperdoll

Ever since I saw this absolutely wonderful maternity series by Pacing the Panic Room I knew that I had to do this when I was pregnant. Then I saw James, of Bleubird Vintage, beautiful series with her little one and it made me need to do it even more. When I saw that little plus sign I immediately started thinking of ideas. Naturally, it will be done in my own silly style. One picture a week showing my every-growing baby bump.

I decided not to start the series until we were out of the first trimester and our families knew. Hence, the 17 week start. I plan to make a book for the little baby-bot with letters to him each week.

I have had the idea to do a paperdoll themed image for so long now.  Don't you just love paperdolls? I just think they are so precious. Especially vintage ones. 




  1. Aww love your baby bump! You are glowing! -Deana

  2. What a cool idea! Congrats! Motherhood is amazing.

  3. This is rad! :) So cute.

  4. Thank you so much!! I'm so incredibly excited!

  5. OMG this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. So awesome being preggy. I miss it.

  6. Jessica: Thank you so much! =) I may miss being pregnant later, but I don't think I'll miss the strange symptoms haha.

  7. You are just the cutest thing ever!
    Lovin' your blog!

  8. seriously you are so cute. i followed a link to your blog from this one: (another expectant momma)

    I'm a photographer as well and have been doing a weekly photo project. you can see it here:

    I totally get what you're saying about how difficult it can be photographing each week, but it's worth it. I know I'm commenting on a super old post-but I just wanted to say that I love your series. you're so stinkin cute!
